Whales Wallpaper and Backgrounds

Free Wallpaper Categories > Nature > Animals > Whales Wallpaper
We hope you enjoy our collection of free Whales wallpapers and backgrounds. Click the desired resolution to visit the download page for your wallpaper.
Two Dolphins Leaping

Two Dolphins Leaping Wallpaper
1024 x 768 - 130K
800 x 600 - 80K
640 x 480 - 61K

Orca Wallpaper
1152 x 864 - 133K
1024 x 768 - 95K
800 x 600 - 60K
640 x 480 - 39K

Orca Wallpaper
1152 x 864 - 186K
1024 x 768 - 142K
800 x 600 - 97K
640 x 480 - 68K
Orca Pod

Orca Pod Wallpaper
1152 x 864 - 138K
1024 x 768 - 138K
800 x 600 - 92K
640 x 480 - 61K
Orca With Baby

Orca With Baby Wallpaper
800 x 600 - 74K
640 x 480 - 55K
Pacific Whitesided Dolphin Closeup

Pacific Whitesided Dolphin Closeup Wallpaper
1152 x 864 - 175K
1024 x 768 - 132K
800 x 600 - 90K
640 x 480 - 63K
Pacific Whitesided Dolphin

Pacific Whitesided Dolphin Wallpaper
1152 x 864 - 160K
1024 x 768 - 109K
800 x 600 - 67K
640 x 480 - 43K
Two Orcas

Two Orcas Wallpaper
800 x 600 - 64K
640 x 480 - 49K

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